School to School

The Balcarras Trust is committed to its role as a system leader. We are always keen to work with other schools and to be outward facing. We have a long history of collaborating with other schools and trusts.

The Trust currently operates The Balcarras Teaching School Hub through Balcarras School. Our Hub covers the Cheltenham, Stroud and Cotswold area. There is a link to the Hub website below.

The Trust also oversees GLOW Maths Hub which covers the counties of Gloucestershire and Worcestershire. GLOW has been serving the region for almost a decade.

The Balcarras Trust is also the legal entity for the Gloucestershire Initial Teacher Education Partnership (GITEP) which is an 80 place secondary teacher training provider working in collaboration with the University of Bristol.

The Trust also engages in bespoke school to school support. We have advised a number of schools and trusts recently and regularly host visits into the Trust’s schools. If you are interested in this please contact the PA to the CEO: Mrs Karen Adkins on:

Pupils singing with teacher